204 Ruger AR-15 RiflesĪ major benefit of the. The resulting cartridge provides somewhat higher velocities than any of these, giving a maximum point blank range of more than 270 yards (250 m).” 2. 204 was “splitting the difference” between the popular. 204 Ruger was intended primarily for varmint rifles, which require bullets with flat trajectories but not much mass or kinetic energy. 204 Ruger has proven to be a very accurate and efficient cartridge: an early tester reported 1/2 MOA groups at 100 yards (91 m) with the Hornady loads and a Ruger #1 Varmint rifle. 204 inches (5 mm) and shoulder moved forward and angle increased to 30 degrees. To make the 204 Ruger, the 222 Remington Magnum case was necked down to.

222 Remington Magnum, which has the second largest case capacity in the family that began with the. 204 Ruger is a centerfire rifle cartridge developed by Hornady and Ruger. By 2004 CCI, Federal Cartridge and Remington had each introduced. 17 caliber bullets used, it was still cheaper than most centerfire ammunition.

While the ammunition was relatively expensive due to the high-performance. In 2002 the first rifles and ammunition began appearing on the market. 22 WMR firearms to chamber the new cartridge. 22 WMR case as the starting point, a simple barrel change was sufficient for most. Hornady, in conjunction with Marlin Firearms and Sturm, Ruger (manufacturers in the rimfire rifle market), followed much the same path. 17 HMR, so there is still potential in the 5mm rimfire for wildcatters. However, the downrange energy of the 5mm RMR is superior to both. The accuracy of these cartridges was also quite good. 17 caliber wildcats not only met, but far exceeded the 5mm RMR’s velocities and flat trajectory. 22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire was the logical parent case, rather than 5mm RMR (with its unique case head size, which requires a significantly different bolt and magazine), because it was commonly available, and it is a far larger and stronger case than the next largest, the. 17 caliber became their bullet of choice. With 5 mm diameter barrels and bullets being virtually unavailable at the time (the 5mm RMR was the last commercial 5 mm round until the 2004 release of the centerfire. These wildcatters were seeking to match the ballistics of the obsolete 5 mm Remington Rimfire Magnum, which was made from 1970 to 1974, and was to that point the fastest rimfire cartridge ever produced. 17 HMR round is similar to rounds developed by dedicated rimfire wildcatters who worked to create a rimfire cartridge with an exceptionally flat trajectory. Commonly loaded with a 17 grain (1.1 g) projectile, it can deliver muzzle velocities in excess of 775 m/s (2,650 ft/s). 17 HMR, is a rimfire rifle cartridge developed by Littleman in 2002. 17 Hornady Magnum Rimfire, commonly known as the.